My Dad

I want to start with a story.
This story takes place a few years ago when my dad was still coaching football. I think it was half time and the game was pretty intense. His adrenaline was going as he was talking to the kids on the team. He was getting them pumped up and he ended his speech by telling them to go out and give the other team hell. Now most people wouldn’t think anything of this. I am sure most, who have played any sport, would say that they have heard a lot worse from their coaches, but for my dad, it wasn’t ok. The next practice he pulled the guys together and apologized for what he said. Some of the guys that were on that team, told me this story. They said to me that my dad was so much more then a coach to them. He was someone they could look up to, someone they could respect. I could tell you about a hundred more stories I’ve heard by different people I have meet through the last few years. Some of them played ball for him, others were students, but they all basically say the same things. They tell me how much they respect him, how much he influenced their lives, or they just want to tell me how great he is. I can’t help but agree. Of course I may be a little bias, because he is my dad, but I think he is one of the greatest men. He’s never really the center of attention or even much of a talker, but he is the kinda person that when he does have something to say, you listen. He lives his life with such integrity but yet with humility.
I don’t get to spend Father’s Day with him because he is up in Virginia with my mom and my brother’s family, but I just wanted him to know how much I love him and how thankful I am he is my dad. Happy Father’s Day Dad!


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  • maryg - Love your blog, love your photos, love your Dad (esp the pic of him with the crown ;-)… and love your Mom too! Wow, they must be oh, so very proud! Mary (Dunn) Griffin

  • Anonymous - Once again, you made tears come to our eyes. What a wonderful tribute to your dad. You know, I couldn’t agree more with what you said! You have the BEST dad in the world. It’s great that we know how blessed we are! Love you! Mom
